Curious Happenings

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kids... gotta love 'em

Or not. One of the views I have come accross recently is the fact that people are having children later, and having fewer of them.This is partly to blame on the media.

The media presents two views. The diaper ads, and the dramatic soaps. The diaper ad presents baby to be a giggling, gurgling, happy, clean and intelligent. The soap presents them to be unhappy, stinky, hard to take care of, draining financially, and a reason to divorce your spouse. The real thing is somewhere in between, and people these days don't seem to see that... So they avoid kids altogether. Either that, or they have kids because their friends are having them...

Children have become an accsesory, not a person. "Oh yes, I have a daughter, she's an absoloute angel! When I dropped her off at daycare this morning she tried to bite me... such a tease."

Statistics claim that say 70 years into the future, the western countries will have had an incredible increase in third world immigrants. The traditional anglo saxon face will have become a rarer sight. All because the birth rate has lowered in the west.

Kids are a blessing, and the majority of those who have children are thankful they have them. So my final reasoning is thus. Either have more kids, or don't call immigration a big issue...