Curious Happenings

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Ok, dating. Its a normal part of life. But how does one go about it, and who do you date? Ok: imagine this. You see the most stunning girl/guy in a café, do you go up and talk to them, or desperately hope that somehow serendipity will bring you together?

Ok, this amazingly cute gal stops, and asks if she can get by you. Do you: A-Smile stupidly and let her pass...
B-Come up with a smart sounding comment asking for her number.....
C-Bow courteously, and allow her to pass, but as she walks away you grab her atention and ask for her name...

What would you do?

When do you think a person should even start dating?

Should you date to find the person you will marry, or just for fun?

Dating.... the variables.