I supose I should update eh?
Well, my life has been one whirlwind of a time for about the past month. My dad went to Aus for a visit, and is now back and extremely jet lagged. We had our mission conference which was great! And of course with the conference there was plenty to do to prepare and to clean up afterwards...
So, my philosophical question is this: Was Solomon right when he said there was nothing new under the sun? That it had all been done long before? Has our generation, grown up on movies and computer games lost its imagination? For instance, the newish movie of Eragon had three themes which were prominent, and it had few original ideas. You had the "orphaned" wonder kid (Star Wars, Harry Potter) who had been chosen by a mark (Where have we seen this "scarring"before...) and it has plenty of magic and elves (Tolkien all over) and though I have no doubt the author's intentions were meant to be original, it was clear that they weren't. Literature has built up for us a multitude of "stock characters" that are extremely difficult to escape from. A pretty and innocent child defeating the ogre, and the ogre becoming a loved character by all.
Would you agree that literature has run out of new characters? Where is our new hero, when will something new come along? That my friends... is the question.