Junkies, Christians and the void...
Yep, I was meandering around the age today, and found this article: Junkies, Christians and the void which is rather interesting. As you might of guessed it is about religion, and the comments made on it are interesting too. You've got everything from atheists to new agers.
"I won't rattle on and on - but I will say this, and I speak from personal experience: that void ain't EVER going to get filled. It's part of what we call the 'Human Condition' - where God comes into it, for me at least, is I have a relationship with a higher power, and I do that through Jesus Christ. The reasons I do this are myriad, and I manage to do it without associating with the church, because I have a hard time slotting into that lifestyle and culture."I was ecstatic when I saw his proclamation (or his friends) but I saw it as a kind of wake up call as well. The church needs to think about how to reach everyone, not just villagers in a tiny village in deepest darkest Africa. Even though we have the good news, the truth, we need to tidy up our act a bit. We appear to the outside world to be hypocrites, stuck up, rule book bearing and extreme. Life as a Christian is great! Why not show it?
Another quote from the article that made me hope that a lot of people read it is this:
"But the thing with Jesus is that he understood the depths of the Human Condition. His action of supreme sacrifice was voluntary, and he did so in order to bridge the gap between God and Human."
God is awesome isn't he? Why not show it?