Curious Happenings

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Recently in English class, we have been looking at short stories, one in particular, The Devil and Tom Walker. Also, we have looked at Huckleberry Finn. Its been interesting seeing how very superstitious our ancestors were.
How many times have we spilled salt, and then proceeded to throw it over our shoulder, or knocked on wood? These superstitions seem to have been engrained in our pysche. Are these seemingly silly beliefs still belived in sincerity?
In the western culture today, how many of us simply avoid cracks in the sidewalk because our granparents told us that a bear would be waiting round the corner to eat us if we did? Have we believed these things truly? Or are they simply something you do.

Scarlet is back...

Thats right, the third part is here!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dia Del Amistad

Translation: Day of Friendship. This Thursday (Bolivian time) is the day of Friendship, and we have been churning out cards by the dozen. Every one enjoy your day, the day to be thankful for friendships!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Scarlet's Story, Part Two

The sage continues here. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

What a Woman Wants...

In our D-teams (Discipleship teams) we are studying two books. The guys are studying "Wild at Heart" and the girls are stdying a book called "Captivating". So far, in our studies, the book has been really interesting. We have been looking at how society views women, how we see ourselves, how we see a Christian woman. My friend Dave on his blog has been blogging about this topic, and has recieved a masive response. Each person has their own opinion, and eventually, the comments focussed on what a person looks for in a spouse. So, what does the everyday woman want in a husband?

My findings sugest the following:

  • Good looking
  • Taller than me
  • Sweet and Caring
  • Will do things for me, without me hinting at it first
  • Will be jealous if another guy flirts with me
  • Into Sports
  • Talented
  • Plays an instrument
  • and... oh yeah, he needs to be a Christian. (rolls eyes)
A few people on Daves blog said the following
  • Is a Christian
  • Loves me
I reckon that true love comes when you can see past the flaws, and see the good things as only being extra. Because what is important is who the person is, not what they do. So many people these days focus at what is on the outside, that they blind themselves so they can't see the inside. Then they get married.

The show "M*A*S*H" has a character named Frank Burns. He said the following "Marriage is the key part in divorce." Now, he wasn't being philosophical, as he was described as "Having the same calming effect in the OR as dracula in a blood bank."

But the point is thus, people getting married too quick, or do they just not know what they want in a spouse?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Present Day Super Hero's...

This is from

And I thought it hit the nail on the head incredibly well. What do you, my dear readers... think of its message?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Anniversary Of September 11

Yes, its already the anniversary of the day that forced the US to act. The day that made many Americans tremble with fear. A day marked by grieving and loss. But it wasn't the mass loss of life that hit people the hardest, there was a hurricane that swept through the bahamas not long after that killed far more people than the September attacks did. The thing that marked that day as being unique, was that many Americans realized that there are people and even countries who don't like them, who even hate them, and want to hurt them. On that day, when that plane struck one of New Yorks major symbols, the realization struck home to many Americans. The question raised was "Who and Why would anyone want to do this to us?"

This realization forced the president to act. Thus the war on terror began. We listened to the news reports, telling us of the invasion into Afghanistan, and then into Iraq.

And my question is this. Isn't war a form of terrorism?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Curious Stories....

Allow the publishing to commence! The first part of my 'Scarlet Story' (Its a working title... :P) is up, and you can find it here. Enjoy!

Friday, September 08, 2006

"Goat-free roads made me speed"

Thats the plea a swiss driver in Canada used when he was caught speeding. Yes, thats right, he blamed it on the goat free roads.
A traffic officer's notes said the Swiss driver had said he was taking advantage "of the ability to go faster without risking hitting a goat".

"Nobody's ever used the lack of goats here as an excuse for speeding," Mr Doiron told the AFP news agency.

"I've never been to Switzerland, but I guess there must be a lot of goats there," he said.

The man was given a fine, and sent on his way.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kids... gotta love 'em

Or not. One of the views I have come accross recently is the fact that people are having children later, and having fewer of them.This is partly to blame on the media.

The media presents two views. The diaper ads, and the dramatic soaps. The diaper ad presents baby to be a giggling, gurgling, happy, clean and intelligent. The soap presents them to be unhappy, stinky, hard to take care of, draining financially, and a reason to divorce your spouse. The real thing is somewhere in between, and people these days don't seem to see that... So they avoid kids altogether. Either that, or they have kids because their friends are having them...

Children have become an accsesory, not a person. "Oh yes, I have a daughter, she's an absoloute angel! When I dropped her off at daycare this morning she tried to bite me... such a tease."

Statistics claim that say 70 years into the future, the western countries will have had an incredible increase in third world immigrants. The traditional anglo saxon face will have become a rarer sight. All because the birth rate has lowered in the west.

Kids are a blessing, and the majority of those who have children are thankful they have them. So my final reasoning is thus. Either have more kids, or don't call immigration a big issue...


George is a 'chat robot'. A new brand of robot who has the capability to learn languages, in fact, he knows over forty. George has animations as well, he can grin quite freakishly, and drum his fingers impatiently.

"When users enter a line of conversation, George responds by "remembering" how past conversational partners answered when he said something similar to them."

"Unlike many other conversational programmes, it's not trying to merely be logical. It's trying to form relationships, to be entertaining, and it can seem rather alive." (Mr. Carpenter, creator of George speaking)

George can also now speak to users and understand their responses. Mr Carpenter and Mr Child hope that spoken conversation will improve his responses, because people speak more naturally than they type."

I found this on the BBC website

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin Dies

Yes, amazing but true, the legendary Australian conservationist has died. On the Age this morning it was all over the front page. There is even a life and times tribute to him. Its one of those things you never thought would happen, but that you were always waiting for. A man who dangles pieces of meat for a crocodile to grab from his hands was bound to slip up some day. But we were never expecting a stingray.

"Stingrays normally flee at the first sign of trouble. There are two exceptions: if they are cornered or accidentally stepped on.

Irwin's chest wound led some experts to speculate that he might have provoked the creature. "Unfortunately he may have contributed to his death because he got too close and the animal felt threatened," Dr Fry said.

Wildlife filmmaker David Ireland said if a stingray barb hit any vital organs "it's as deadly as a bayonet".

Stingray deaths are rare. In 1945, a soldier died at St Kilda baths after possibly diving on to a stingray. A boy died in 1988 and a woman in 1938, both stung in the chest.

Emergency specialist and clinical toxinologist, Dr Bill Nimorakiotakis said little could have been done to save Mr Irwin if he had suffered a wound to his heart." (


The world is in shock, as one of Australia's 'icon' s is laid to rest. But I suppose the final question is... where was his final destination?

So, its up!

So, being like hordes of other mediocre and yet still amazing people, I have set up a blog, and you my dear reader are yes, amazingly reading it. (Thanks by the way, I must confess I didn't think many people would read it, but you are proof that at least someone is.)

So, my name, is Curious. My real name being a mystery to all but those who actually know me. So, now, sit back, and surf my rather small and unexperienced blog. I will start posting more, but for the present time, I guess you will have to wait... :)