Curious Happenings

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Ok, recently it hit me how some people were being incredibly prejudiced against people they didn't even know, for instance: Canadians. This is one I just can't understand...

The other one is against Nazis. I CAN understand this, but some of it is a little over-done. Labelling every Nazi a monster is just a little over-statement. Would you call the clean up officers, kitchen staff, and simple recruits "monsters"? Only a handful out of the entire organization were actually really involved in the horrible deaths of the Jews. I like to use the WWI trench system as an example. Each soldier in those trenches were taught that the guys on the other side of no man's land were brutes and monsters, killers of innocent children, hunch-backed and wearing a sly grin, but the truth was, when you got down to it, the guys you were shooting at were exactly the same as you. Terrified, shell shocked, injured, wet, cold, sick of the rats, flea and lice bitten and simply trying to survive.

In a war of people against people, there are no "good guys" and "bad guys" there are simply people fighting for what they believe in, with God to decide if its right or not.

Now, I'm about to ruffle a few feathers...

I reckon that we really have no huge right to call Hitler a monster. He was deceived, yes, and he did horrible things, yes, but have we not done similar things? The word that comes to mind is "Slavery". Were not the things that people did to slaves long before Hitler was even born just as bad as the things he had done to the Jews? We label him a monster, and blame him for a bunch of stuff, but in God's eyes, all sin is the same.

A lie is the same as murdering someone in God's eyes.

So yeah, hopefully THIS post will get a good discussion going...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I supose I should update eh?

Well, my life has been one whirlwind of a time for about the past month. My dad went to Aus for a visit, and is now back and extremely jet lagged. We had our mission conference which was great! And of course with the conference there was plenty to do to prepare and to clean up afterwards...

So, my philosophical question is this: Was Solomon right when he said there was nothing new under the sun? That it had all been done long before? Has our generation, grown up on movies and computer games lost its imagination? For instance, the newish movie of Eragon had three themes which were prominent, and it had few original ideas. You had the "orphaned" wonder kid (Star Wars, Harry Potter) who had been chosen by a mark (Where have we seen this "scarring"before...) and it has plenty of magic and elves (Tolkien all over) and though I have no doubt the author's intentions were meant to be original, it was clear that they weren't. Literature has built up for us a multitude of "stock characters" that are extremely difficult to escape from. A pretty and innocent child defeating the ogre, and the ogre becoming a loved character by all.

Would you agree that literature has run out of new characters? Where is our new hero, when will something new come along? That my friends... is the question.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Will my voice astound
Every critic on sound?
Or will I just screech off stage?

Will I leap from the page
And act on the stage?
Or will I just stay in the wings?

Will I ever be seen,
As a beauty queen?
In more than just the Lord's eyes?

But I've come to see
The focus is not on me,
And if these things come,
As they might,
God is to have the limelight.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


"Spelling is a huge part of understanding the world around us. When a child spells the way Miss Bell suggests, they will eventually have a much harder time understanding classic literature and poetry, understanding classes in university, and will lose part of the poetic ability to understand and describe the world around them. English is full of double meanings, which is what makes poetry and classic literature, and even English humour the way they are. If we change the way we spell words, we are in a word "dumbing-down" the general english speaking community. We would effectively lose the beauty and clarity of the language."

This is the comment I placed on the page linked above, what do you think? Is spelling really all that necessary?