Curious Happenings

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Poetry, yours is a hidden message
Of love, life and mystery
Hidden under any sort of visage.
You speak of truth, you speak of lies,
You know exactly what this mask hides.

You seem to know everything
Whether you do or not,
You speak to my soul, you pull at my heart strings.
Poetry, you are the tool of the ages,
The billboard of the sages.

Poetry, so many great men have fallen to your spell.
You weave hope into their battle worn bodies
You speak of the maidens they know so well.
Through your melody, you hypnotise,
Through your rhythm you revitalise.

You bring women to tears,
You make their hearts soar
You protect them from the thing each one fears.
You bring joy, you bring laughter,
You show them things they'll remember ever after.

Poetry, you are the voice of feelings,
You are the song of lovers
The melody, the tune always so lilting.
You are the whisper of rage,
The release from our cage.

Poetry. Poetry.

You shall endure the sands of time.


Friday, January 26, 2007


Yes, the word every high-schooler both dreads and longs for at any one moment. Now at this point and time at my school, everything goes into high gear, all year 12's start panicking about scholarships, AP courses, SATs and jobs.

All year 11's start thinking "Oh dear..." And then proceed to run around like the 12th graders, doing a very close imitation of a chicken with no head.

The year 1o's thank their lucky stars that they haven't gotten to 11th or 12th grade yet. Still, they too have some things to worry about, such as the PSAT, projects and various projects and tests assigned by our innocent looking teachers.

As Feburary comes to pass, things like the school play, missions trip, and yearbook deadlines all come into place, and the scary thing is that I'm involved in all three things...

Well, I just thought I'd write about this, because my dad has been telling me I need to think about what I'm going to study, and it is honestly freaking me out, so I thought I may as well write about it, any ideas guys?

Just kidding...

Well, yeah, just another update post. :)

Friday, January 19, 2007


Life. A word that inspires a great many thoughts. Many theologians, politicians, uni students, high-school students, professors, and cartoonists have contemplated its meaning. I think that great Aussie icon summed it up fairly well.

"Such is life."

So. life. What do we make of it? Is it a step into heaven, or a trapdoor into hell? Is it to be enjoyed, or should we work the hardest we can to be successful? Should we go through it like a lilting melody (Oh great. Fern Hill is coming to get me...) or trudge through it like mud. Or, as with most things, should there be a balance? Work and play in equal portions.

Jesus said that he came so that we could have life, and have it to the full. But does that mean you find the nearest bungee jump and take the plunge? God also said that just as he clothed and fed the animals and flowers, so he would provide for us. So, then should we go and spend our life savings on things that might be considered worthless?

Life is just one of those individual things I guess. You can't decide how you go about it, you just have to take each day as it comes.

Ok, just a rambling post... :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Inspiration where have you gone?
Maybe you are a prize to be won.
Or are you like the wind, dropping by
And dissapearing again without saying why?

You lead many to fame,
You leave others in shame.
Great deeds are done because of you,
But I'm stuck, now what should I do?

Inspiration, where have you gone?

Friday, January 05, 2007


Mail has always been a major excitment, its amazing to get a parcel of goodies that are usually saved for extreemely special occasions, and to know that the people back in Aus haven't forgotten you.

So, one can imagine what excitment that e-mail brought... I mean, now you didn't have to wait 6 months for things to get through...

So, when in elementary school, the idea of a long distance friendship wasn't really existant. But, since internet, e-mail and chat have come along, a long distance friendship, and even love can bloom. There is a couple here who met once, and basically fell in love over the phone and letters.

So, your opinions, is a long distance relationship possible? Is it practical? Is it desirable?

In my opinion, due to lack of face to face contact, a long distance relationship can begin to fail after a while. Common experiences and aquaintances begin to number less and less, and if the relatonship was never all that strong in the first place, it really can begin to fade. One begins to lose things to talk about, and the only thing to do, is to describe what is happening in your own country to the best detail, and hope that your friend does the same.

So, what are your thoughts? Is a long distance relationship one that can last?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Joys of New Years...

Ok, so, its 12:43 am here in Bolivia. The four ferocious guard dogs are all inside my house, because they are scared of the bangy fireworks that are really popular here. One was sprawled out on the rug in my room, the other three were on the landing. All four have had a big drink from a largish butter dish, and are still panting quite heavily.

Earlier in the evening we were at a friends house. They have three dogs. Now, fireworks are still perfectly legal to set off in your own yard, so we had fireworks. They have an irish setter who was barking at the fireworks, and at one point, after seeing the guy light the firework, ended up in my lap. He was shaking...

So, now its 1 am. There are still occaisional bangs to be heard outside, but all has pretty much calmed down a bit. The dogs are now outside, though are crowded into our doorstep.

So, this is how i generally spend new years, helping to calm down dogs, and sometimes having our own fireworks and sparklers.

So, how did you guys spend new years?

Hope everyone had a great time!