Curious Happenings

Friday, March 30, 2007

A little update...

Well, this is just a little update post, I've been really busy with everything, we are having our sports days at the moment, so I'm really tired. But its a good tired. Then I go on my Missions Trip! I am really excited about it, being able to spread the truth by helping a church to spread the truth. So yeah, I'll be gone for a week, building stuff and doing puppets :)

So, in final note: GO RED TEAM!! :)

Monday, March 26, 2007

An Age Old Battle

The choking dust rises
Breathed in by people of all sizes.
The master wears a hood,
Splattered and stained by blood.

There are chains and whips,
Mean taunts and quips.
The sun beats down on the withered and thin,
And the ever hungry lion wears a ghastly grin.

Poor souls toil ever on,
Brothers, friends, separated, gone.
Cries ring out above the dust,
The auction continues, as it must.

A white hooded master stumbles in,
Subjecting himself to the power of sin.
The black hooded master savours victory,
His arch-nemesis now weak and in slavery.

Black hood faces the white
His features contorted, a ghostly sight.
Death arrives to take a soul
And the white now plays his vital role.

The sky blackens and the chains break,
Freedom for slaves, our choice to make.
The greatest price paid,
A life given for our aid.

That is my simple story
Of life and death, a tale truly gory.
A victory made on that tremendous day,
Love like God's has truly come our way.



Thursday, March 22, 2007

50th Post and Surfing Mice!

Well, last post was my 50th post on this blog, and I must admit I'm quite proud of myself! So to celebrate I bring you some surfing mice...

My dad showed me this link, and I was amazed, I think it will astound thee too. Well, happy 51st post my dear readers!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Well, Australia has been in severe drought for the past few years, but this news article gives us some hope. Some rain has begun to come, and in the right way. Not so heavy it does damage, but slow and steady.

The article pointed out something else though too:

While Mr Manning was happy to see his paddocks wet, he said there needed to be good rain over several weeks for the water to soak through the soil and have a lasting effect: "When it's warm, wet and mild like it is now, it's perfect. The rain is really welcome, but it's one thing to have enough rain to grow grass and another to have enough to fill dams for stock water."

So, lets pray for rain!

Curious Stories...

The first post on Curious Stories is up :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

In Pictures

Well, I was having a look see through the BBC and I came across the BBC's "In Pictures" And was looking through it. When I saw this picture I had to do a double take...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Vegemite... the Great Australian Icon... but what exactly is it?

This video has got to be one of the best to describe what people think of Vegemite... enjoy!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Such is my life...

Hi, I'm a missionary kid
No, please, don't run away,
Let me tell you about me?

I live in Bolivia,
No, its not in Africa.
I go to a normal strange school,
I have normal strange friends.

When a team comes,
Its almost guaranteed that shoes
Will be left on the doorstep.
Such is my life.

Bugs come in seasons,
And rain comes once a year.
We delight in the dated,
And our sense of humour is terrible.

Our teachers range from strict
To incredibly forgetful.
From just a little quirky
To the downright strange.

And they wonder why MK's turn out
Just the way we do.
They think we are predictable,
And in a way we are.

But think again.

We may be strange,
we may be weird,
But we have an understanding
Of the world around us
That others will never have.