Reminiscenses if Puppyhood...
So, our next door neighbours have got a puppy. He's little and black with floppy ears. He is incredibly cute, even with a goofy expression on his face thanks to some tan eyebrows and other cute little tan markings. He even has little tan legs, and he is fluffy all over, and has the cutest little black tail.
He is also incredibly LOUD!
Yes folks, most of us know the joys of having a crying puppy at night. Our little black-and-tan floppy eared friend woke us all up multiple times, and we live next door! His people mustn''t have gotten much sleep at all.
This morning, however, proved to be the most interesting. At 7:15 came a yelping change in tone. He had jiggled the gate so much that it had actually come open, and our little friend had been trotting over to join the bigger dogs at this side of the fence. One of those bigger dogs had gotten up to greet him, and must have startled him for our little black-and-tan floppy eared friend let out the most awful yelp a puppy can make. My first thought, and obviously that of my parents, was that he had been attacked, so we raced down to see if he was alright. He was, and just wanted some company. So our little friend was taken back to his house, the gate closed, and we were told some other details as to the puppy's first night in his new home.
Apparently this wasn't his firsr breakout, and had been sitting with the bigger dogs earlier this morning. My lovely older dog, (he is all black-and-tan too) was actually keeping an eye on his newest and littlest friend, and though obviously a little cautious about this new bundle of energy, was allowing him to sit with him.
So now we'll see how our newest addition goes today, and tonight...