Curious Happenings

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dredging up old habits...

So, I recently mis-clicked on the archives section of my blog, and found myself reading for curiosities sake.


How much my life has changed.

So, this is a post to let you all know (avid readers that you are) where I am now.

I currently live in Melbourne, Australia. I go to a university in the city of Melbourne- called RMIT- (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) its cool. There are always people running round with sound recorders, lighting equipment, cameras... whatever really. Its a creative environment, and one that challenges me constantly in what I think and believe. I've met a lot of really interesting people. Atheists and wacked out Christians, gay rights lobeyists and hippies.

The other part of my life is based around Mitcham Baptist Church- which I love very much. I have small group on Thursdays- which is always at the least very interesting. It is my energiser i've found, because often after a week in a god-less uni, i find myself drained and in need of good socialising time with Christians. Last night we were looking at Daniel 8, and had illustrations of goats and rams- she really shouldn't have given us pens to draw stuff on with... carried away much? Good stuff.

Church has been fantastic- people are really supportive of me and my family- and its been a great place for stretching my experience of God. I love their emphasis on missions- I only wish there was more to do throughout the year rather than just over summer.

Thinking of summer... Red Frogs, Beach Mission and Urban Summer are all coming up. YAY! I'm hoping to go on all three of these things, because they challenged me last year, but were also a slight reminder of home. That is one thing I noticed from reading over all of my old posts is how much I miss missions and working with little kids. I love the kids from Alpha y Omega- and I love the kids here- and I can't wait to get back into puppets and stuff with little kids.

I love how you don't need words to love little kids.

My spanish level is crazy low at the moment- I haven't spoken it for ages! I miss how much that was part of my life.

But, from all of this reminiscing- I must emphasize that I do like my life here. Of course I miss some of my old life, but I am making my new life here. Making friends, building relationships, learning more about God in a more mono-cultural culture.

I have come to the point where I'm ready to forget my old life- but at the same time I wouldn't say no to going back there on like a missions trip or something.

Mmmm, life is interesting isn't it? We go through it wrapped up in ourselves- never really getting why we are here and doing what we are doing. But thats ok. I don't think life should be taken too seriously anyway.

So thats me! I've been inspired to keep my blog more activated, but who knows. Don't get your hopes up :P

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Edge

I stand on the edge,
My future lies below.

My parachute is ready
I am prepared now to go.

I look behind me,
The past waves and winks.

The future waits in front of me,
Offering future high jinks.

The past is known and comfortable,
The future is fuzzy and new.

Here goes, I take a breath.
I close my eyes and take a step.



The past, it is fading
As new memories I am making.

Is this good?
Or is this bad?

My old life grows fainter and vanishes
As I write new things on the pages

Do I let go?
Or do I not?

A year has past now- and much has changed,
My accent, my views, even my perspective rearanged.

Am I still the same?
Are you?

Like a ship pulling away, you grow faded and small;
my voice does the same as I reach out and call.

Can you hear me?
Can I hear you?

Communication loses its importance,
As I discover the power of distance.

Is the ship you?
Or is the ship me?

Whichever and whatever, you are fading...
Fading into the past.
